As of 9/21/01, 21 boats are registered for the 2001 Hobie 20 Continental Championhips to be held on Davis Island in Tampa, FL from October 29th through November 2nd. Tampa Bay Catamaran Sailors, Inc. is the host for this event. A list of registered competitors is available at the event website - <br>
<br>We have decided to waive the late registration fee of $50. The fee is now $300 regardless of when you mail your registration in. We hope that everyone planning to attend this event will pre-register. This will enable us to properly plan for this event.
<br>We will continue to post updates regarding this event on this forum as needed. And please check out the event website for updates as well.
<br>Christine Tutcher
<br>Commodore - Tampa Bay Catamaran Sailors, Inc.<br><br>