I just posted a video on the CABB Facebook page and Jofre posted it on Youtube. He is what I had to say about it.
Here is a video you might enjoy. It is all about what we do as the Catamaran Association of Biscayne Bay. It was created by CABB sailor, Jofre Rosero, and his girl friend, Lisbet Mustelier. The video was shot by Jofre, Lisbet, and me over the past year. The video is a montage of several races including the 2013 Miami Key Largo Race, this year's Tradewinds Regatta, and several other monthly CABB races. Jofre is a professional videographer. He is a three time Emmy winner for his outstanding video work. Some of his recent jobs include The Voice TV show, the Super Bowl Half Time Show and the upcoming Academy Awards. Lisbet is a professional video editor. She has spent countless hours preparing this two minute video for your enjoyment.
You will recognize some of the individual in the video. I caught glimpses of Claudia Schmid, Larry Cooper, Dick Macdonald, Linda Macdonald, Matt DeRego, John Sherry, Jimmy Barrows, Mike Phillips, Oscar Garcia Coni, Fermin de la Camara, Norm Hansen, Hans Evers, Richard Goldman, Saul Rabinovich, Josh Rosenbaum, Kenny Pierce, Dana Powers, Brian Hollenbeck, Donita Leavitt, Jofre Rosero and myself.
If you like what you see please leave a comment for Jofre and Lisbet on Facebook or Youtube. They poured their heart and soul, and hours and hours of their time into making this video and I am sure they would appreciate your comments. So fasten your seatbelt, hang on tight, and enjoy the fast paced ride. If this looks like fun come out and join us and see for yourself.
I just posted a video on the CABB Facebook page. You can see it at:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...t=vb.133406503177&type=2&theaterIf you can't see it on Facebook you can look at it on Youtube at:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj2aL8WSpXs&feature=em-share_video_userJohn McKnight
305 251-7600