EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Job Description/Announcement - Clearwater Community Sailing Center - Florida

The Board of Directors seeks an experienced Executive Director with a proven track record as an operational and visionary leader to build upon the Clearwater Community Sailing Center (CCSC)’s award winning reputation, and to lead it at a time of tremendous opportunity. The Executive Director should have a notable record of leadership and the capacity to further develop an organization in fulfillment of mission and financial sustainability. The new Executive Director of the Clearwater Community Sailing Center will be passionate about enriching the lives of our community, especially persons who would otherwise not have the ability to experience the life lessons of sailing and other water-based sports, including youth and persons with disabilities.

Mission Statement:
The Mission of the Clearwater Community Sailing Center is to provide safe, enriching and affordable sailing opportunities to local residents and visitors, including youth, seniors and the disabled for the enjoyment and benefit of our entire community.
Qualities and Characteristic:
The successful applicant will demonstrate a commitment to use sailing as a platform to transform the lives and support the community that we serve.

S/he will possess most, if not all, of the following characteristics:
▪ Visionary, strategic and facilitative leadership skills, with the proven ability to foster a sense of unity, trust, support, and collaboration among multiple stakeholders.
▪ The ability to command respect across all sectors of our activity, including: members, guests, the educational community, sailing community, City of Clearwater, neighbors, and others.
▪ The ability and experience to successfully fundraise and grant-write, utilizing multiple sources, including: private donors, corporations, foundations, government agencies and the CCSC staff.
▪ Administrative capabilities, including strong organizational skills and discipline in the setting of realistic priorities, and running a fiscally sound operation while also promoting and supporting CCSC’s mission statement.
▪ Management skills and qualities that demonstrate a commitment to team-building and the empowerment and valuing of staff, members, participants, students and volunteers; a style that is approachable and genuine.
▪ Capacity to work successfully with a Board of Directors
▪ Personal qualities that include: mature decision making, humility, flexibility, courageous and responsible risk taking, a sense of humor, and unquestionable integrity.

The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Clearwater Community Sailing Center and reports directly to the Board of Directors. The Executive Director provides leadership to and management of all aspects of organizational activity, including: oversight of programs, administration and operations, revenue centers, fundraising, financial affairs, facilities, Board relations, and external relations. The Executive Director both takes a hands-on role in executing work actions and delegates/oversees tasks as appropriate given the staffing resources available. It is expected that the incoming Executive Director will work with the Board during the initial transition and periodically, evaluate staff structure and consider changes which are fiscally prudent and which will help CCSC to better position itself in the execution of its mission.

The annual operating expenses for CCSC are approximately $500,000. Currently, the direct reports to the Executive Director are comprised of 4 full-time personnel and up to 20 part-time and summer employees. CCSC’s fleet includes over 75 boats located at the center. There are also privately owned sailboats and non-motorized, water-sport equipment “stored” by members, on premise. CCSC provides services for 400+ members and 400+ summer camp youth.

Additional Specific Responsibilities include:
▪ Oversee the delivery and quality of the following youth and adult sailing and educational programs:
* Youth Sailing (Opti, Laser, 420, windsurfing, etc).
* Adult “Learn to Sail”
* Special Needs Sailing
* Windsurfing/Paddle Boarding/Kayaking, etc.
▪ Corporate Memberships (Sailability, Sail Fit, Kai Aniani Canoe Club, etc.)
▪ Coordinate with US Sailing Olympic & Paralympic Training Programs.
▪ Develop annual work plan and budget.
▪ Secure annual corporate and grant funding.
▪ Manage full-time (4) and part-time staff (20+).
▪ Oversee the administrative office and support functions.
▪ Oversee and monitor CCSC’s fleet and facility maintenance needs and compliance.
▪ Oversee the upkeep of the facility and the center’s assets.
▪ Oversee the rental of CCSC’s facilities and equipment.
▪ Develop, institute and enforce protocols to insure the safety of all members, visitors and their property.
▪ Review financial reports, provide updates to the Board of Directors and recommend adjustments necessary to ensure sound financial operations.
▪ Represent the organization to the Clearwater community, private and public funding sectors, partners, and the general public.
▪ Coordinate capital campaigns for new/replacement boats, facility enhancements, and other assets.
▪ Coordinate the marketing and communications activities of the organization.

Requirements and Skills :
▪ Successful management track record (non-profit preferred).
▪ Exceptional leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills.
▪ Outstanding written and oral communication skills.
▪ Proven mentoring and team building skills.
▪ Demonstrated talent for building resources: grant writing, corporate donations, marketing and business development.
▪ Ability to maintain and develop relationships with community, corporate, and other partners.
▪ Background or interest in sailing.
▪ BA/BS degree (preferred).
▪ Good knowledge of office software including: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Quickbooks.

Reports to Board of Directors. Salary commensurate with experience. Tentative start date: September 1, 2014.

Contact: E-mail or mail resume, cover letter and salary expectations to: Al Brown c/o CCSC 1001 Gulf Boulevard, Clearwater, Florida 33767 or email [email protected] POSTING CLOSES: JULY 25, 2014. Prior to employment, the successful candidate will have a drug test and background check conducted.

Visit: http://www.clearwatercommunitysailing.org To learn more about CCSC and their activities.