Old thread but I'm looking at options for my ride. The C2 system is good but not wire adjustable if distance racing.
I'm currently planning a double system for the Infusion Mk.2. Hardpoint on the shroud, basically as high as you can reach, attach a 29mm harken carbo block to this. Make a tie-off point at the bottom of the block (looking into various options, but larks head knots are pretty decent). The upfucker comes from the upwind side of the boat, to a block at the base of the upwind shroud or tramp, depending on angle, then through a ronstan shock block (to which a bungee takeup system is attached), to a block at the base of the leeward shroud, to the block at the shroud hardpoint, down to a block attached to the standard pull up line on the daggerboard, then to the tie off point (think becket) at the bottom of the upper shroud block. Repeat for the other side, thinking of making this a continuous system.
Curious what others have done? My last boat copied the Tripp Burd solution, which worked okay but not when the board was loaded and not if you have a less rockstar helm/crew combination that lacked the physical strength. Hence the 2:1 purchase setup I'm thinking on the new one.
Phantom has an elegant solution but it requires through bolting on the deck. Not sure what others are doing (Cirrus tends to have nice rigging, been a long time since I've looked at one though, too long). Typically I build a complex system then simplify it, but this takes time. Unfortunately the simplest solution in this case requires drilling holes in daggerboards.