Thinking of repairing a spin pole and want to check your thoughts/opinions in the matter.
The pole broke cleanly last year when my buddy's boat landed on it in a storm. (lesson learned: Always be sure the boats upwind of yours are tied down- not just your own). Got a new pole from Jill courtesy of my buddy, but wanted to see if I can salvage my old one as a spare.
Seems the AHPC poles are 40mm OD and 37mm =~1.46" ID. I'm intending to sleeve the pole and found a 2ft section of 1.5"OD 6061. This is obviously a bit too large. Plan is to slice it length wise and then compress to fit inside the spin pole.
- Cutting the slit: recommendations on method? I have access to a table saw, but don't have a proper metal cutting blade. It's a bit crude, but thinking of just clamping the tube and using my sawzall.
- When sleeving the pole, does it makes sense to have the slit oriented on the bottom since that part of the pole is mostly under compression?
- Attachment method: Both epoxy and rivets? Just epoxy (rivets might create stress concentrations) or just rivets?
Perhaps all this a complete waste of time???