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Miami-Key Largo #282560
05/01/16 07:05 AM
05/01/16 07:05 AM
Joined: Apr 2011
Posts: 77
Florida Keys
I W S Dennis Offline OP
I W S Dennis  Offline OP

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Florida Keys
Any good info on the Race?

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Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: I W S Dennis] #282571
05/02/16 09:37 AM
05/02/16 09:37 AM
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West Palm, Florida
Grandude Offline
Grandude  Offline

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West Palm, Florida
Well, in a word it was "perfect"! 8-10 on the beam for the start building to 12-14 down the bay with a slight shift left in smooth water made for 2.5 hour dragrace. 2.5 hours for the only F18, the RC, Marsrtoms and Carbon 20 where just a little faster. But we had them in sight right to the finish. We got the kite up through card sound as did one I20 and we both closed on the leaders.

We heard Mike's Marstrom mast had a problem, don't know the details. The Carbon 20 Team was still in initial tuning phase of a new to them boat and did real well. Not sure who finished first them or Brett. That's a team to watch on the 300. The Nacra 6.0 and Hobie 20 teams did real well also, big jib reaching machines.

We battled Kenny on his Stiletto 23, a 6.0 and an I20 down the bay. We held them all off by a few boat lenghts down the bay and found a hole at Cutter Bank. The kite went up through card sound and we put distance on the Stiletto and the 6.0. The I20 stayed high over Cutter Bank and made big gains with a spin run to the bridge... really nice move for those guys. We made up some time on them when they seemed to miss the finish line and had to soak it deep to cross. Kenny fell back, perhaps had a boat issue. The 6.0 finished close behind us and John Mcknight on his H20. Initial figures look promising for John, he smoked it, again.

We had lunch at the Upper Keys Sailing Club, where we ran into Rick coaching some youths. In his words some "buggar brained" boys. Love that place, they serve cold tap beer in frosty mugs, after getting up at 0430 and sailing 60 miles on an F18, a frosty mug is, well... special. We continued on a pleasure cruise down to the Islander in preparation for the Florida 300. Team Turtle Mojo is ready to go.

Team Cyberspeed also landed at the Islander and Supercat Craig says he's ready. In "Craig style" he landed with beach wheels and camping gear loaded on the boat, a fishing pole and a cooler full of empties. And, yes of course, of few stories.

Our ground crew moved the Dutch Rockerz F18 from the MYC to the Islander, so our first FL300 European team is staged for action.

MYC normally issues the results some time this week. The finish was close so I'm sure there is much anticipation. However it turns out, there was some great sailing by awesome sailors in the clear blue water of Biscayne Bay and the upper Keys.

A special thanks to my crew, those guns performed flawlessly. In this game it is clear, old guys rule!

Dick Macdonald
Cirrus F18
Team Turtle Mojo

Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: Grandude] #282572
05/02/16 11:04 AM
05/02/16 11:04 AM
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Clermont, FL, USA
David Ingram Offline
Carpal Tunnel
David Ingram  Offline
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Nice write up Dick! Awesome conditions, perfect angle, great boat, great skipper, it was one for the books for sure.

Brett for the 3 seconds I saw you Saturday morning you didn't insult me once, are you getting soft?

Shout out to Kenny "Fuc@$ng" Pierce, holy how does he do that on an old dinosaur (Stiletto 23) with sails that appeared to have been built when Dacron was invented. He put his girlfriend on the wire and the third crew appeared to be just holding on for dear life as he would sit on the tiller and two hand the main, spooling out and ripping it back in over and over! Then watching him put the bow down in the puffs thinking he is either going pitchpole that beast or the rig is going to come down. He was a huge distraction!

Kenny Pierce is a bonafide mutant and based on some rough calculations he has shot at taking the whole thing!

David Ingram
F18 USA 242

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
"Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent" - Two sista's I overheard in the hall
"You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a complete idiot, but it helps"
Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: David Ingram] #282577
05/03/16 01:17 PM
05/03/16 01:17 PM
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RickWhite Offline

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Kenny Pierce doesn't do pushups.., the earth moves.
Kenny Pierce makes onions cry.

When CKenny Pierce was born he drove his mom home from the hospital.
Kenny Pierce can kill two stones with one bird.
Kenny Pierce doesn't cheat death. He wins fair and square.
Kenny Pierce was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.
Once a cobra bit Kenny Pierce's leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

Rick White
Catsailor Magazine &
Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: RickWhite] #282580
05/03/16 02:48 PM
05/03/16 02:48 PM
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Panama City, Florida
Redtwin Offline
Redtwin  Offline

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Panama City, Florida
My favorite would be...

When Kenny falls into the bay he doesn't get wet; the bay gets Kenny.

Rob V. Nacra 5.2 Panama City
Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: David Ingram] #282583
05/04/16 07:54 AM
05/04/16 07:54 AM
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Roanoke Island ,N.C.
Team_Cat_Fever Offline
Carpal Tunnel
Team_Cat_Fever  Offline
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Roanoke Island ,N.C.
Originally Posted by David Ingram
Nice write up Dick! Awesome conditions, perfect angle, great boat, great skipper, it was one for the books for sure.

Brett for the 3 seconds I saw you Saturday morning you didn't insult me once, are you getting soft?

Shout out to Kenny "Fuc@$ng" Pierce, holy how does he do that on an old dinosaur (Stiletto 23) with sails that appeared to have been built when Dacron was invented. He put his girlfriend on the wire and the third crew appeared to be just holding on for dear life as he would sit on the tiller and two hand the main, spooling out and ripping it back in over and over! Then watching him put the bow down in the puffs thinking he is either going pitchpole that beast or the rig is going to come down. He was a huge distraction!

Kenny Pierce is a bonafide mutant and based on some rough calculations he has shot at taking the whole thing!

Sounds like y'all had a blast.
Are you just now realizing the powers of the KENNY MONSTER ?
He is definitely the man, Chuck Norris said so.

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White
Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: Team_Cat_Fever] #282590
05/06/16 11:19 PM
05/06/16 11:19 PM
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cyberspeed Offline
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cyberspeed  Offline
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Our Miami-Key Largo story is a bit different than Dick's and started Friday morning on Singer Island loaded with enough gear for three days. I needed to do three things; shake down the boat before the Florida 300, get myself in sailing shape and get the boat to the starting line for the Florida 300. The Miami-Key Largo was a bonus!

I always hear people asking the same question..."How do you get in shape for a distance sailboat race?" My answer has always been get out on the boat and sail! Unfortunately all of the recent sailing I have been doing is "keeping the wife's hair dry" sailing. I haven't raced in seven years and needed to get some miles under my belt.

Mark Herendeen is my teammate for the Florida 300 but unfortunately he couldn't make the run south because his mother's funeral was the same weekend. My prayers go out to Mark and his family. Mark and I have competed against each other since 2003 but we have never been on the same boat together. I am looking forward to racing with Mark but luckily Rob Behrend, my long term teammate, stepped up to the plate with a new crew member, his son, who was celebrating his 17th birthday that Saturday. How could I refuse, it is great bringing youth into the tough sport of endurance sailing and to do 180 miles in two days is a major accomplishment for someone so young. At first I was a bit taken aback when he showed up with fishing pole in hand, then I quickly figured if that was the only inconvenience, so be it...

We left Singer Island at 10am beating south and bucking a strong current. By the time we got to Lake Worth, the wind shifted enough so it was close hauled but the current was still ripping toward the North. We caught one Bonitta near Ft. Lauderdale which we threw back. We were holding out for sushi grade tuna.

We approached government cut as the sun was setting flanked by a homeland security boat. Luckily we had already deployed our nav lights and I had a headlamp I lit the mainsail up with. Once in government cut, the wind was blocked by Fisher Island and we ghosted through till we hit open water again. One of my favorite sights is the Miami skyline as we sailed past. We arrived at Rickenbacker Causeway about 9:30 just in time for a party that lasted until about 4am and culminated with three guys trying to push us offshore as we slept. Luckily Rob was taking watch sleeping on our new forward trampoline and was able to dissuade them with "Hey, get outta here!"

At this point, a special thanks goes out to the Bob and Luis with the Delray crew. Luis had warm hamburgers waiting for us at Rickenbacker and Bob transported our cat trax and camping gear to Key Largo. It is great to see new blood at Delray! I also need to thank Dennis Green for all the help and loaning us his spinnaker.

You would think that by having the boat completely rigged (we left both the mainsail and jib up with tent on the trampoline) and sleeping in your wetsuit (got cold) would make it easy to make the 8am start of the race on time an easy would be wrong... We had so much gear scattered on the boat from the prior day/night it took us an hour just to reorganize everything and I also had issue with all the electronics. My spot tracker would not sync with either of my phones, my GPS batteries were dead and both of my new helmet camera mounts had issues with being soaked with saltwater on the deck of the boat the prior day.

Being a little late for the start was just a minor detail. Once we started the race, we had issue after issue. Both the main and jib of the old mylar sails were stretched to the point that the downhaul had no effect, the newly installed spinnaker kept trying to come out of the bag and lots of other small items. As we approached Card Sound Bridge, we were able to finally use the spinnaker for the first time ever. We deployed it but had an issue and had to pull it back down, then we made a couple of adjustments on the water and pulled it out again and was able to run it just past Card Sound Bridge. Once we stowed the spinnaker we finally hit a groove and had a nice run to the finish.

Usually the tricky sail up Jewfish Creek and pulling into Gilberts is the perfect way to finish up the day but that was only half the day. Gilberts closed the sailboat launch and we had to back the boat into a powerboat slip before enjoying a nice meal and a few drinks.

Ahead lay the hardest part of the trip, getting back on the boat for the sail to Islamorada. After three hours of relaxing, none of us were looking forward to getting back on the boat. To top it off, we had to get the cat trax and our camping gear from the Delray team and put it on the boat for the final leg.

Surprisingly, the final leg was really easy. Proper planning helped but the nice wind, music and last of the "Dark and Stormy" made the final leg a lot of fun. Instead of going all the way down to Channel 5 bridge we planned on getting a tow through the Snake Creek drawbridge. Our plan worked flawless and were able to get a tow as we entered the creek. We actually had to tell our tow boat to speed it up so we could coordinate with a sportfishing boat that was a bit ahead of us.

We arrived at the Islander Resort greeted by Dick, Ding and their lovely crew. We still had plenty of time to put the boat away, get a shower, catch the sunset at the LoreLei and celebrate Zack's birthday. There are lots of other stories but it will cost you a rummy!

Other than operator error, the boat ran flawlessly. The only mechanical issue we had with the boat was a rudder block that blew out on the last leg. I am looking forward to racing the Florida 300 with Mark Herendeen in a week and a half. We have a new set of Calvert sails on the way for the main event!

craig van eaton
Supercat 20
Endurance Series
Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: cyberspeed] #282594
05/09/16 11:35 AM
05/09/16 11:35 AM
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West Palm, Florida
Grandude Offline
Grandude  Offline

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West Palm, Florida
For the record, we know the results are incorrect and have not accepted any awards. But we would like to point out, per our math we finished 2 minutes (corrected time) behind a certain M20. Two minutes, that's close. All things considered, that's real close.

Dick Macdonald
Turtle Mojo F18

Last edited by Grandude; 05/09/16 11:35 AM.
Re: Miami-Key Largo [Re: I W S Dennis] #282596
05/09/16 11:48 AM
05/09/16 11:48 AM
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cyberspeed Offline
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cyberspeed  Offline
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Yes, I was looking at that too and they are ALL fouled up. At least they didn't give any trophies to swap around!

craig van eaton
Supercat 20
Endurance Series

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