April 3-5th 2020 Columbia Sailing Club Lake Murray South Carolina
https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/20167This years event will be a little different, we will open the gates on Thursday afternoon for anyone wanting to come early and work on boats, practice, hang out, whatever, we want to make it a long weekend of sailing and comradery.
On Friday we will be having a "green fleet clinic" for people who are new to racing, new to cats, or just need help rigging your boat. We also will have "experts" to help you with minor repairs, rigging tips, and simple maintenance issues. We want to offerthis for all of those sailors who have boats that need a little help, and/or need someone to help them get it back together.
After assembly and fixes, we will have a classroom session on racing and sailing by Columbia Sailing Clubs sailing director David Van Cleef. David has taught sailing at the worlds level and manages some very large racing syndicates and has a world of knowledgewhich he is happy to share with us all.
Jon Britt from Norbanks Sailing Center will be bringing two Weta Trimarans for demo rides, and the Weta fleet will be represented as well, so if you are interested in seeing these boats and/or racing one this will be great opportunity!
We want boats on the water, whether you're an avid racer or a first timer, we will have something for everyone. Racing on Saturday and Sunday will have several fleets, and a "green fleet" for those not quite ready to mix it up with the high tech boats on the circuit.
Camping at CSC is first come first serve and we now have power at 5 sites. Our beachhouse has endless hot water and 6 showers. The campground and beachhouse is right beside the beach which can accommodate about 25 cats.
Friday evening we will either have a low key meal or a food truck, this depends on number of participants. Saturday evenings dinner will be prepared by our resident Italian and fellow cat sailor(Rich Boyle)and will feature his famous meatballs and pasta. Kegswill be tapped on Friday at 6pm and a cash bar will be open all weekend.
We will also have live music on the front porch by the Matt Hallman band, if you didn't catch them last year, you are in for a treat! We call them the "boy band", but really they are all about 15 years old and play the classics from Rush, black Sabbath, TheEagles, and many other songs you will know, and they play them pretty much note for note(savants!)
Registration is on Regatta Network or cash at the event, but we strongly encourage pre-registration!
Invite your buddies who have been out of the loop for awhile, invite any new sailors you know, invite your fiercest rival, this is the reunion tour of catsailors!
2020 The year of The Cat
David Mosley
[email protected]803.240.5133