Before anyone blasts me this is just information. The boat is not for me nor do I have any connection other than it is in the slip next to my Stiletto. So AD police let me be...
"Thunderbolt’ is a 21’ Reynolds ‘Channel Cat’ that has an awesome 8hp Tahatsu, brand new tramp, good mainsail and self-tacking jib. The reacher is like new and has hardly been used. A blister free hull and trailer that is currently undergoing a major overhaul (new tires, springs, electrical, among other things) means this boat is ready to sail!
The Thunderbolt can be seen at the furthest east wet slip, bridge side, at the LC Yacht Club. For more information, contact Bobby Thomas at 337-474-0600 or 337-263-5006."
The above text was taken from the "Tacking Times" the LCYC newsletter. If anyone is interested call him if not, well it matters not to me.

S27, H16