<br>We have had an exhaustive discussion here on the forum of why beach catamaran popularity has declined and theorized on what might help to bring it back.
<br>I think we are almost entirely in agreement that better access with mast up storage would help the popularity and get more of us to use our boats more often. With this in mind it will now become necessary to have a localized effort to garnish these sorts of properties from either private land owners or more likely from city, state or county municipalities. You will likely meet some resistance but with the help of a well laid out PR kit that explains the positive aspects to this concept you will likely find that your resistance will be lessened and many of the preconceived issues the various authorities have will be overcome.
<br>To make this happen we need to know what issues your local city manager, county lifeguards, beach use authorities, coastal commissions, etc., have with regard to storing boats on the beach in your town.
<br>The issues here are:
<br>The beach is used by the public. How will you guarantee there will be no interaction with swimmers?
<br>Who will manage the property?
<br>Who will collect the revenues and bond them and turn them over to the appropriate department?
<br>How will you stop vandals from damaging the boats?
<br>How much will you charge for this usage and how does the city make money on this?
<br>Will the masts incumber the views of any local residents or businesses?
<br>How will you ensure the property does not become a boat junk yard?
<br>How will the city make up for the lost ramp revenues now that the boats are stored on the beach?
<br>How will you hose off the boats?
<br>Will there be a concession in place each day and if so what will they sell and what percentage are you prepared to pay the city of those revenues?
<br>If there is to be fencing around the storage area, who will pay to have it put up and maintained. Will there need to be an environmental impact study for this fence and if so, who will fund that?
<br>There are more questions but you get the idea. If there are more specific questions for your area please send them in or post them here so that we might move this project forward!
<br>Mark A. Michaelsen ~MM~
<br>SPS Website:
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<br>1244 Pacific Coast Highway
<br>Seal Beach, Ca 90740
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<br><br><br>Mark Michaelsen
<br>(800) 354-7245