I was admiring a snow sculpture in another post and since I lived in PA. at one time I can feel for most of you in the North. That is above FLA.
A buddy of mine has a board game called REGATTA. I liked it so much I got my own. If you haven't seen this before it's most likely because they don't make it anymore. At least that's what I'm told. They being 3M. Yes that 3M.
However you can find them on E-bay. There's one there now. Search 3M sport games. The one there is the larger version. No....it's not mine. Fairly realistic and you can set the course as you want, wind shifts,blanketing,chutes. There always seems to be one or two up for sale.
I know it's not real sailing but look at the positives, you stay warm,have starting duels, go from first to last,drink as much as you want without worrying about crashing your real boat into some elses.....or ice.....and to forget about going from first to last.
Anyone know of any other sailing board games?
Have Fun, Keep your hulls warm.