Pics available at They have 2 Taipans set up as F16, Phil's Blade, and Garry's Altered in action.
They are from the Sunday. I turned up for a "rock star" appearance for the last race. Sorry, been sailing yachts too often where the term "rock star" is thrown around too often. Andy Collins and I borrowed Willy's new Taipan.
Cheers JC
Re: Pics from Port Kembla Drag Race
[Re: taipanfc]
#46969 04/06/0506:23 PM04/06/0506:23 PM
Sadly no pictures of Paul and I on the 5.7 blowing everyone away downwind on the Saturday.
I couldn't help but giggle like a schoolgirl all the way downwind as the 5.7 with kite sailed at the same speed as the Tornado in about 18kts of breeze though we were going about 10 degrees lower. Really adds up over an 8km downwind leg!
Sadly two of the locating pins for the spreaders appear to have sheared off and the mast folded in two just after we dropped the kite (unfortunately 8km from home at the other end of the lake).
It was a real treat to be able to jump on Willy's boat for the sunday with Bob in the first race and James in the second. I had a great time sailing one lap as skipper and one as crew as can be seen in the photos.
Taipan 4.9 AUS129 AlphabetSoup
Port Kembla Drag Race; small pic report
[Re: taipanfc]
#46971 04/06/0506:46 PM04/06/0506:46 PM
Out 96 photo's taken 35 were of F16's; but hold on ! Best is still to come
18 of these are of Altered alone !
I think the photographer had an sweet spot for either Gary or Altered; as they went home with 20 % of all the pics taken. Out of a 39 boat fleet ! What a prima donna ! (joke)
As punishment he and Altered will get last spots in the followin listing of all participating F16's
[color:"red"]F16 2-up A Williams 4th overall : [/color]
[color:"red"]F16 2-up M Cook 5th overall (racing the Nacra F18 heads-up) : [/color]
Sadly the results page doesn't show these while we all know that crews are very important on spinnaker boats so maybe one of the participants can help us out and name the crews for us ? Give them the recognision they deserve that way.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Re: The names of the crews ?
[Re: Wouter]
#46978 04/06/0508:42 PM04/06/0508:42 PM
In this photos you can see Gary using the system that I posted in the general discussion area. So it does work. I will build mine shortly! It has been proven to work huh.
In this photos you can see Gary using the system that I posted in the general discussion area. So it does work. I will build mine shortly! It has been proven to work huh.
Robi which system are you talking about.
Regards Gary.
Re: The names of the crews ?
[Re: ]
#46981 04/07/0505:36 AM04/07/0505:36 AM
your adjusting trapeze. I posted about it in general discussion asking if it would work. I draw out a simple design, some said it would work, others said it would not.
Certain someone even said I am trying to reinvent the wheel.
Re: The names of the crews ?
[Re: Robi]
#46982 04/07/0506:44 AM04/07/0506:44 AM
your adjusting trapeze. I posted about it in general discussion asking if it would work. I draw out a simple design, some said it would work, others said it would not.
Certain someone even said I am trying to reinvent the wheel.
Hi Robi,
I can't live with out my adjustable trapeze. Hate not hanging as low as possible in stronger winds, but like to trap high in lighter winds. Often adjust between gusts. Only drawback is no weight on hook when adjusted low sitting on side, can lead to unhooking unintentionaly, my hook has retaining clip on it which helps but has let me down a couple of times.
You remind me of a post before I put Altered in water which showed adjustable trap. with a system that kept tension on hook, I must look it up again.
Regards Gary.
Re: Port Kembla Drag Race; small pic report
[Re: Wouter]
#46983 05/30/0505:29 AM05/30/0505:29 AM
Robi, Robi, Robi, Don't weasel around, don't be scared to use names. Step up like a man and say what you think, You have truely become a clone of KW, hanging on to your poor, flawed design, despite vast quauntities of evidence to the contrary.
You want documentation? F16Hp website, Taipan gallery, ALL traps shown are rigged normally, not your design F16HP website, Stealth gallery, All traps shown are rigged normally, not your design F16HP website, Blade gallery, ALL traps shown are rigged normally, not your design F16HP website, Spitfire gallery, ALL traps shown are rigged normally, not your design F16HP website, Mosquito gallery, ALL traps shown are rigged normally, not your design AHPC (Taipan) website gallery, 29 photos, ALL traps shown are rigged normally, not your design Bimare website gallery, ALL traps shown are rigged normally, not your design US Taipan Catamaran Sailing Association website, ALL traps shown are rigged normally, not your design
To summarize; No one, of ANY reputation, has stepped forward to claim to use your design. No one in the Taipan or F16hp class, besides KW AND Gary(who is changing), has admitted to liking or using your design. KW uses it, but admits it is "difficult to unhook" and is slower than the normal design. Gary uses it, but admits it somestimes "unintentionally" unhooks and is planning on changing to the normal design. You are going to use it because KW and Gary are using it, but Gary is changing. You have been told by highly experienced and successfull sailors, including a multiple continental champion, that it is a poor design. You choose to ignore hundreds of years of experience and thousands of victories in order to follow KW.
In honor of this extraordinary example of illogical behavior, I hereby crown you Crown Prince Wizznik of Weezervile.
P.S. The "reinvent the wheel" analogy is entirely appropriate for this discussion. The wheel began as a mere slice of a treetrunk and has evolved into the modern rubber and steel and nylon and aramid composite of today. Now INVENTOR shows up today with a slice of treetrunk and asks "will this work?". Of course the treetrunk is round, so it will roll, but THE OLD SAGES explain to him that his design is old and flawed. That there are several much better designs available now. This makes INVENTOR angry, he rants that "WELL, my Chief Lord and Mentor KING WANNABE uses it and says it works great (sort-of) and I saw a picture of BUILDER using it (but he is going to change)". THE OLD SAGES tell inventor to look at the hundreds of pictures of boats NOT USING his design and to look at other boats at regattas NOT USING his design and think for a moment, "Are these thousands of people so stupid that they couldn't figure out a better way if there was one?". But INVENTOR and KING WANNABEE are adamant, "We are smarter than everbody else, because we are INNOVATIVE, we think outside the box". So INVENTOR and KING WANNABEE will act superior, use their wooden wheels and be slow.
Re: certain someone
[Re: samevans]
#46985 05/30/0512:46 PM05/30/0512:46 PM
Wow Sam I am flattered for the new Title. That post right there, looks like a Wouter Post, lots of text. You hate him so much you are starting to reply like him.
I havent changed my setup anyway. My trap system has the least priority as of today, so it will stay as is.
Wow, way to prove how much of a troll you can trully be.
Re: certain someone
[Re: samevans]
#46986 05/30/0501:21 PM05/30/0501:21 PM
Sam, do you really have so little to do with your time that you can RESEARCH your response over an insignificant discussion about a trap setup?
Just go down to any dinghy/cat park anywhere, or visit the boatpark at a major (preferably non-OD) championship. You'll find boats using everything from highly complex adjustable, pre-tensioned traps to bog-standard 'normal' setups as well as the hated 'weezy' system. Diversity happens due to personal taste, experience and cost constraints. This is a GOOD thing.
In the general scheme of the world it doesn't matter a toss. It just happens, as does S**T......
Keep it up Sam, your invective and boundless enthusiasm for your missionary work are at least entertaining.
PS I don't use a 'normal' trapeze system (and haven't done for at least 25 years)
Last edited by Jalani; 05/30/0501:41 PM.
John Alani ___________ Stealth F16s GBR527 and GBR538