I was down in Vallejo, CA (SF Bay) today doing some sailing while the YRA season opener race was going on and guess what boats I saw finishing first?
First to finish was a tornado
Second was some kind of D-class cat (never seen one before, but that's what was on the sail.)
Third was another cat couldn't tell what type. 25ft+
Anyways the multi's started last and finished way before the mono's. That has got to be frustrating for guys on 60 ft boats to be getting spanked by little 20 footers.
This is the biggest inland race in the country 300-400 boats every year so I thought some of you would be glad to see a tornado way out in front.
If you want more info on the race check out
www.yra.org look for The Vallejo Race. Oh yeah maybe some of the local clubs can lobby to get the min. length shortend from 19ft to 18ft so more cat sailors can get involved.