For people of good will to race together for the enjoyment of the sport in accordance with the Racing Rules of Sailing and in the spirit of rule #2 of fair sailing under ISAF rules –To compete within recognized principles of sportsmanship and fair play.
Intent -.
To race 20-ft catamarans of various design features as a fleet on a first across the finish line wins basis, in buoys and distance racing.
Basic specifications - OPEN FORMULA 20 .
LENGTH –20 ft one inch max. —Stern to bow meas.
BEAM - 8.5 ft –max.hull point meas.
WEIGHT –376 Lb. and above
- -410 Lb. and above - two catagories
-Definition boat weights –boat sails and all att gear fully rigged
Boats may add permanently fixed gear and floatation to meet min.
Corrector weights will also be allowed for boats under 376lb total.
SAIL AREA –two corresponding categories
376 min boat wgt –MAINSAIL =208 sq. ft inc. mast --53 sq. ft jib +274 sq. ft spin ,max.
410 min.boat weight MAINSAIL =208 sq. ft – 60 sq. ft jib + 290 sq. ft spin . max.
Increases of 7 sq. ft. in jib and 16 sq. ft in spin area in 34-LB boat wgt differential.
Sail area may be traded off from main to jib of equal sq. ft to allow modification and design variation of sail plan to any max.S A combination of smaller main in catagory
All measurements per ISAF measurement rules, --see diagrams and instruction.
Sailmakers and measurers to list sq. ft in 2 inch numerals at the tack of each sail next to the sailmakers logo.Existing class cat designs will be accepted as listed. -Racing will be on the honor system, but any boat may be challenged and checked along with the protesting party also being checked for weight and sail area compliance. Those not in compliance will be DSQ for those races.
CREW –One or more may be crew. -All must be capable of righting from a capsize.
-CREW WEIGHT –-A class min of 320 Lb., one half of weight below may be carried by lighter teams to meet min req.-Example –a 300 team may carry 10 Lb s to meet min.
Wgt based on teams wearing standard swim apparel and shirt.
-MASTS –May be of alum. Or carbon fiber in standard section tapered or uniform and a Max 32 ft length. -Standard wire rigging only, but attachment points and tang locations are open, trap wires and adjustments are also open to development consistant with loading requirements .
SPIN POLES –a MAX 13 FT. length may be used made of any material in standard configuration with snuffer configuration of any type.
-HULLS -BOARDS and RUDDERS–Of any standard material or configuration.
-Note, The Open Formula 20 Class Assoc. reserves the right to ammend or add rules at any time to discourage unwanted or unseaworthy developement.