This is exactly why you cant tolerate corrosion on your boat! Corrosion doesn't just eat away the metal like a very slow grinder. It changes the metal that's left behind so that it all becomes JUNK! 'Aluminum' as we know it is highly alloyed. It is far from pure aluminum. Structurally, it's like comparing iron to steel. The downside of this type of alloying is that it's both prone to corrosion (pure aluminum BTW is very corrosion resistant) and succeptible to changes in the crystalline structure so that it becomes weak and brittle when corroded. Beware!
Re: And your decision is !
[Re: Jimbo]
#51051 06/22/0508:43 AM06/22/0508:43 AM
So Catius, You've learned all about the rudder system and galvanic corrosion ,.."what's your final answer"! Do you wanna use a life line? Is a Mystere in your future!
Re: galvanic corrosion
[Re: Will_R]
#51052 06/22/0509:15 AM06/22/0509:15 AM
The original spinnaker size offered by Yves at Mystere was 269Sqft. The N6.0 NE. is 360 and there are some older chutes at 400plus. Which chute size or is it shape actually is working the best for the M6.0? I support Galvanic corrosion Free Sailing..........Bob G
Honestly I don't know the sq.ft of that chute and I have not used it for a while. It was one of the chutes Hans used in the W 1000. It will sheet to the rear beam so I know it's not small. I'm using one I got from Robbie D. off his T.
The T's and the M6.0XL are close in dimensions,board type so having Robbie local is good for used stuff. One thing about T chutes is they are designed to go downwind and may not be flat enough to reach up like a N20.
so...after all this fantastic advice (thank you, I think I will soon earn a PhD in galvanic corrosion and anodization ;-), I've decided to buy the Mystere 6.0. I will sail it for the first time in a 3 weeks...curious how much "upgrade" it will be from my old P19. The current owner tells me it's got an oversized chute (420 sq.ft.). Is that indeed very large?...and if so, as of what wind speeds would you say it get's just too crazy (based on YOUR level of experience?). Thanks!
No, When I sail 4.3's bad things happen,or I find the weak points. Note the mast...Nice flex. No it wasn't my job to raise the chute. The mast survived...........
Your going to find that the huge chute is only good for going deep down wind. For me I would use it in any wind speed that I would sail in. Steer deep to survive and don't let off the mainsheet unless you want your mast half as long as it is now. Try to find a smaller Tornado chute. They're easier to handle and way more efficent. I can put you in touch with Robbie Daniels if your intrested. PM me here.
Robbie still alive? is he still a Mystere dealer ? Does he want to save whats left of the Mystere Fleet.I've been on his website and see nothing about Mystere, could not be reading it correctly There seems to be a M6.0 in all corners of the state now maybe a little reunion at the Wild cat regatta is in order on Lake Eustis. Catman you will probably have to tell us the difference between the two boats.In Rick White's Cat Sailing for the 90's Randy Smythe has a section about the P19. Aside from the bow the boat at least has some of the same basic attributes. Is this the best written information to use to make a M6.0 competative.