In rereading posts the other options were to attempt to adopt existing F-20 ,-with existing conditions of large variation between major mfg.of sail area and boat weights .
-2- start a seperate h t 20 class with different basic specifications ignoring all existing 20s .
-3 Adopt proposed rules for the US based on Tornado min.weight and sail area perameters ,
-with this added ,--the addition of 20 inch racks via skiff sailing within two years equaling righting moment to the Tornado for all 8,5 or less beam cat designs --
-Hopefully ideas concepts and enthusiasm for the class will resume this season as it progresses ,-
The following on the Worrell ,-currently sailed on Inter 20s ,-
and the problems of racers encountered , with some potential solutions ,--hopfully these same solutions are impetus for beginning the 20 class .
-Recieved a really great e recently from the U K catsailors ,-the perspective of travel , boat availability , costs and associated problems are identified perfectly and apply to all catsailors to some degree.
portions as follows --
-thanks the absence of major sponsorship it is likely that UK attendance to the Worrell will be sporadic over the next few years. The new Polish event, while nowhere in the same class as the Worrell, will now divert the attention of European Long Distance racers, if only because it is easier logistically. I talked to several recently, and said that they want to do the Worrell again one day, but this year have included Poland on the agenda as major event for 2002.
Personally, the Worrell remains my major lifetime sailing ambition, but it will only ever be possible if I can be successful enough to raise funds or obtain sponsorship over and above my normal sailing budget one year.
The problem with the Worrell for most Europeans is that it is almost too hard! The pictures and reports of cats being trashed in the surf, and other hardships, conspire to create the impression that the race is too hard for normal sailors - they are scared of making the transatlantic trip (at great expense) and then getting trashed on day 1 or 2!! I can imagine that there are many very good cat sailors around the world who could put up a good performance, but just don't have the experience of beach starts and surf that other Worrell veterans do. It isn't an incentive for them when they know that although they could compete on the open water, the whole race might be won or lost just based on a few minutes of surf handling.
What is needed for non USA crews is a defined package at a fixed cost that provides both equipment and backup and support. This would enable people to at least know what sort of figure they would have to raise, without the doubt that they would not get at least a good weeks sail.
On the other hand, the Worrells status as the worlds hardest race - the triathlon, Iditerod, marathon, of the cat scene, is also it's biggest attraction, so it couldn't be made too easy!!
Again the difficulties and problem are indentified perfectly ,-
The answer of course for major events and regattas with added internatiional competition is more sponsorship availability, better coverage {already in progress} , more dealer and boat mfg.- involvement --more race organization ,-
better central organization ,-
Formula Classes having involvement from several boat mfg. and healthy competition that it brings with more potential oportunities ,connections and much broader base of sailing talent, may be the best format for future major events .
Performance and the wonderfull folks associated with them have done a great service to the sport in helping provide the Inter 20 for the Alter cup and Worrell events in past years.-
-We have been attempting to find a way to begin a Formula 20 class with no perfect solution to date ,-the existing differences between boats of boat weight and sail area are too great and already established here in the U S . -WE WILL KEEP TRYING .--No shortage of persistance here .
-It would be wonderfull to have Hobie Foxes -Mystere 20s ,-Inter 20s ,all the current Euro 20s -and several other 20s line up for future events like the Worrell or Alter Cup and other future major events, and events yet to be .
-As others have stated , I would also very much enjoy the larger potential pool of sailors ,boat mfg. companies involvement , sponsor availability , leading to more potential major events or a circuit of major events , certainly to larger sponsored events reducing costs to sailors ,which we have the beginnings of as one looks through the list of races and events here on Catsailor .
The 18s hold promise , hope the N A F-18 grows this season and minor differences are resolved . -The F-16S -and 18 HT Classes point to the future of the sport , these have great appeal and may evolve in the U S faster with the desire for lighter faster sailing , ---interesting times ahead .
though I,ve heard that is also an ancient curse ,--{may you live in interesting times ,}
We all need to continue to contribute as we are able , do the best we can , and continue to hope for a better future . I sence tremendous opportunity ahead for boat mfg,-race organizers ,-and sailors in this age of instant communication ,media and advertisement . It is a wonderfull sport ,filled with human history and character building traditions.We need to make it better for ourselves and future generations of sailors and catsailors .
-Hoping this will help create new ideas and active involvement .
-See you out there this season ,
All the best
. -