I've had a couple requests for this criss-cross shock cord under the tramp method attaching your trap lines. The orignial description of how I did this is on "Singlehanded" thread just below this new one. Not much to add to this other than the following.
I originally wanted to try something different than the more simple "single line" attachment of the trap line - to a shock cord to the midline or to the opposite trap line - because of the excessive forward pull when traped out to stern on a big blow reach.
The idea is not mine but rather from the Hobie catalog - see "Trapeze rig return system". I couldn't figure an easy way to attach a cheek block to the undersurface of the tramp so I came up with the fore-aft bungie with two simple loop knots to hold the 2 blocks needed on each side. These fore-aft bungies on each side actually give an extra amount of "give" to the criss-cross shock cord. Perhaps this is why you feel virtually no pull when at the stern.
I use the double adjustable system on the trap lines to give total control of your trap height whether you are fore or aft.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the day I hooked ths up was the last day I ever thought about it. Works well, stays out of way directly up and under the tramp, has never fouled up, caught up and doesn't get in the way. Easy to install and take apart each spring/fall.
The following illustrations are included:
1. Drawing step one on set up of fore-aft bungies
2. Drawing step two on how to rig shock cords attached to trap lines
3. Photo of simple loop knot used to attach blocks
4. Photo of simple loop knot with block attached
5. Scan of Hobie catalog illustration of double adjustable trap set up
Hope this helps those of you who feel the need for complete trap freedom.
And for those of you who do not, never mind.

Cheers, ice is melting here in Montreal!!!