Two Italian A catters, Teo di Battista and Roberto Casadei, will attend the The Coconut Grove Sails Invitational and the A-Cat Midwinters scheduled in Islamorada in the next few days.
Teo di Battista is the nephew of Lallo Petrucci, the founder and owner of BIMARE, and one of the most prominent Italian catsailor.
In his sailing career, just to name the most important achievements, he won the 2005 Italian A class Nationals and the 2005 and 2006 18HT Europeans. Besides he twice entered, crewing for Daniele Saragoni, the final of the two most contested editions of the Little America’s Cup, being defeated with the narrowest margin, 4-3, by John Lovell and Charlie Ogletree (Newport 2003 and Rimini 2005).
Roberto Casadei is ranked among the top 10 Italian A catter since more than 15 years. He is also the main advisor of BIMARE boatyard for the development of its a class designs.
It goes without saying that they will sail brand new XJs made kindly available by Matt McDonald of VectorWorksMarine.
The visit of the two Italians is aimed to prepare for the next Worlds, testing new materials and rigging solutions.
Recently BIMARE started to produce new CORED foils out of its factory autoclave and an updated, stiffer version, of its mast section best suited for the new big head main.
This new parts will be introduced soon on the US made XJs.
On the other hand BIMARE will make profit of some interesting tricks and devices both in the building technique and in the rigging invented by its US partner.
I got this story from an US friend who tried to post it on the USACA list to no avail.
It seems that some had the same problems with the same list in the past.
I don't know why
Do you suspect someone/something?