Beachcat Sailing Series at Fort Worth Boat Club, Fort Worth, TX

The Fort Worth Boat Club (FWBC) is pleased to announce that it is starting a beachcat race series on Eagle Mountain Lake, located northwest of Fort Worth, TX. We are interested in Cats 16 feet or larger, though we may expand the entry requirements later in the season.

The racing will begin on April 15th and run through Dec. 9th. The season will consist of 5, six race series which run every Sunday at the FWBC (see calender for exact dates; ), first gun is at 2:00 pm. Fleet membership is required to participate in all the series. For more information contact me at fwbccatsailor(AT) I look forward to seeing all of you on the line in April.

Kevin Yeoman
FWBC Multihull Fleet Captain