You are right, we shouln't pay any attention to nature but do you know what. The latest A shapes are a lot closer to a dolphin in shape than a brick. Wave piercing is that...not wave riding. The latest a shape has a positive boyancy attitude low down in the shape. It is down low and already working rather than old shapes that put more boyancy in when it was too late and created more hobihorsing and pitch-poling. So, the boyancy is already working and the top of the boat is shaped like a dolphin....rounded to help shed water. Flat deck of Tornadoes and whatever...flat....NOT like a dolphin. Of course it is dreadful to sail down wind....that is why As don't sail downwind.....could do to remember that to beat an A downwind a spinny is needed...providing lift for the bows.....But the A copes without that there a pattern here?....
Maybe we should look at bird wings for sail development...oh, no, that's already been done...nature wrong again.