Most dedicated racers I know change their cats only if there is a justifiable performance gain or if the cost of a new boat upgrade is little more than the cost of 'competitive maintenance'.
If a manufacturer decides not to build a boat to a rule there must be good reason. Is the rule too extreme, too expensive to manufacture to? Are the boats durable enough? Are there sufficient dedicated racers of a design willing to commit their hard earned cash? Any manufacturer will build what he thinks will sell. Just how big are the largest active F16 fleets?


I went into the F16 because of the spec. Light; Fast; Single handed with the Spi or two up with 3 sails.

But the overriding reason?

It was light.

I sailed an Inter 17 for 6 years and it WAS too heavy. I don't want to drag a 150kg boat around, I don't want to drag a 130kg around, I want to drag a 104kg boat around.

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

I also talk sport here