techno-enthusiasts? Okkies.. <img src="" alt="" />
Lets put this to bed once and for all.. The F16 weight rule was put in place so the semi-experienced home builder could build to close to or on the limit!! Not with nomex/vac/bagging layups but techniques pioneered in 1941!
Wouters boat is built using 1940s technology and I'm pretty certain Wouter isn't the most experienced cat builder around!! Phill's first Blade was 1940s technology building!! How many Mozzies & Tiapans have been built in the back shed? Some of these platforms are still at the pointy end of their national fleets.. Yet its amazing how some squawk and moan about high technology, the F16 and its all too difficult to do.. Yet its been done for 30 years!! Done by dads with a mate or with their kid..
The weight rule also allows for the thinking professional builders to build a 1980s technology boat to just under the weight limit. Note I said "thinking" as opposed to low thought low technique boat building companies.. These companies may know of the technology but just cant fathom that a "chopper spray" gun isn't needed in a layup.. Building a F16 requires "thinking" something it seems has by-passed mainstream cat builders..
Ches, there is no new building technology in reality since the mid 1980s.. Nomex isnt new.. Carbon isnt new.. Both have dropped in price but neither is needed for a F16 platform to come in under weight..
Personally, when I can, I sail in an "open" fleet against A's Hobies etc.. If there was a F16 fleet here I would allow other classes to share the start line.. At my level it not the pennant its the rum after Im sailing for.. I want a light boat that after a race an old man can haul up the beach.. Not something I need to reverse the SUV to have a chance in dragging the excess resin up the beach..
May I point out resin is an oil based product so using small amounts is my way to build a "green" boat.. <img src="" alt="" />