What happened to that rule about keeping your main sheeted in tight when under spin? <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
It's easy to talk about someone else but, It looks as if both of them are just running downwind, like with old type spinnakers, not driving as fast as they could. Although if the wind is very strong I'd sometimes do that.
Understood Dermot, but after a previous discussion I had resolved that I needed to overcome the desire to ease the mainsheet while running scared and chicken (deep). Your apparent wind is rotating aft and you are presenting that twisted off roach squarely to the wind (especially after a wave stuff). I was hoping to find out that keeping the main stalled was more effective at reducing the pitching moment. So travel out yes, ease no.
Just another Northern Sailor.
The remark about the mainsheet was not mine. I just felt that you could have been driving a bit harder - actually the yellow spinnaker is the worst offender. But then I was not there and it was probably blowing harder than it looks. There have been plenty of times when I have been bearing way off and praying to get to the bottom mark without pitchpoling.