I say let 'em train on the Optis, then move in and steal 'em.

If most kids start in monohulls, most kids will remain sailing monohulls.

There are too many mono classes trying to hook kids when they live the Optimist, but almost no entry or intermediate level cat class. We want the F12 to compete with those classes AND with the Optimist - even when the F12 designers have different views about the target age range and other details.

At least four sets of excellent F12 plans are available today. All of them are very inexpensive, simple to build, fast and safe. Will they converge to a one design class? I certainly hope so. It just isn't a priority right now.

All F12 models allow a girl to start sailing at 7 (two up) and eventually to sail singlehanded - forever, if her size and weight are normal or small.

All F12 models allow a boy to start sailing at 7 (two up) and eventually to sail singlehanded, until his weight requires a bigger cat, like an F16, H16 or F14; typically at 17 years old.

The first boats are being built now and sail numbers have already been assigned. Let your kids choose a model and help bring this wonderful class to life. If you start early enough, you will have a great story to tell the grandsons: your pioneer participation in the startup of the class they will sail.

All the best,
