From the top is my head my, mast fully rigged but EXCLUSING the standing rigging (= forestay/sidestay) but including halyards etc (as the mast should be measured under F16 rules) is 21.7 kg. My tip weight incl. all that needs to be included is 8.3 kg.

My mainsail is about 1 kg heavier then the newer mainsail almost entirely because I full 100% glass battens and those weight alot more the fibrefoam battens.

I can right this rig unaided (righting line) in any conditions incl very light winds and flat seas. The latter is the most difficult to right a cat in. I weight typically 90 kg or just under it. Halve way through the sailing season I'm typically between 87 and 89 kg. In some wind or waves I can right the above rig significantly easier.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands