
No, I mean that anyone quoting a price for an item which is not on the website of said supplier is peotentiall mis-representing the actual price.

In all honesty, I'm aware of the price John Pierce had quoted for the blanks when a bunch of them was ordered in one go by another builder. That price quote was higher then the 500 pounds quoted earlier in this thread. I'm not saying that the 500 quote is wrong but my information does not confirm it is true or that it is likely to be true either.

Personally, I think too much rumours are being flown on this forum. 90% is simply not true or is a very warped version of real situations.

I admit that I can wrong from time to time but I've never intentionally misleaded anybody.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands