
So could somebody now for the transparency tell from when this die was used to make the mast and where did the old one go.

No records are kept on individual masts. As such I do not know from which batch you mast came from. The mast did come from Catamaran parts stock which may well be a portion of the VWM stock. Masts from these stocks are no older then 2004, although I know that VWM was included in more then 1 production run of masts so your mast can be well younger. In fact I expect your masts to be 2006 or younger.

I don't understand the last part of your question. I'm sorry.


Last edited by Wouter; 04/13/08 05:49 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands