F18's cost ~$20K US.... I know the dollar is down against the Euro, hardly a cheap recreational boat! That said, an average sailor that spends ~$40K on a new Marstrom might want to have his head examined. This price is another blow to the T-class, great boat, too many practical liabilities to remain viable, and price is one of them.

The whole concept of the F18 was to build fast boats at reasonable costs and grow the class-a good idea. (That's why there is a 'no carbon' provision in the box rule. Seems to be working. Now, even the T sailors compete on F18's as part of their training, and the boat remains within accessible price range for pros, serious amateurs and also novice sailors.)

Therefore I wouldn't say 'cheap', I'd say 'accessible'.

A new Olympic ready Tornado, fully loaded for racing, is just too expensive for the number of sailors that want to sail them.

But boat costs are almost irrelevant wehn costing a campaign. When I was doing it, it was about 10% costing for boats and the rest logistics. If it's cost based the Star needs binning.

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

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