In sailing King Harald and King Constantine are non voting honorary members of the executive committee. In government our king dont have much power over the running of his government. He means a lot for sailing here and supports the sport greatly. He and his father both sailed a lot at a very high level. He is also very popular and supported by the people, far more than our politicians.
For you to mix him, sailing and low down politics/nationalism can only be excused by lack of knowlegde.


I fully understand you and have nothing against kings, queens and their families, especially the Norwegian royal family. I happen to know a few of them and can personally confirm that they deserve the people's confidence. Their support is important for sailing even in Brazil: one of the most traditional regattas in Rio is King Olav's regatta in november.

Please don't take the fact that elite sports can be spotted by the presence of kings/queens in their federations to imply anything else.
