There was alot of info regarding insurance and liability buried in that thread that I wanted to discuss further. I have been involved in several situations that went various ways. I have seen a consistent resistance from race organizers to hear protests in my area. This leaves it up to the sailors to work out which is fine if they are both honest, quality people. This is not always the case! What can I do if the race committee will not hear my protest, the other skipper says he doesn't have insurance and feels it wasn't completely his fault and offers me nothing. I have had a boat destroyed by a skipper that in the water said he never saw me but in front of the race committee said I turned in his path. I hit a boat starting on port after hailing repeatedly and adjusting course to avoid, he told me that he didn't care I wasn't getting his insurance info. Again no support from race organizers( I did meet Eric and Joleen who tried to help) and my boat damage was repaired on my dime. If insurance is required to race why is it not checked or at least the racers should provide the policy number to the race committee. I am currently in contact with a new sailor in this same situation right now, his boat was damaged, the race organizer didn't want to hear the protest, the other skipper is one of the regulars, the at fault skipper stated he had no insurance and has now faded into the woodwork. I know this is a rant but this is one of the reasons that newbies quit racing or never start all together. If you enter a race without the proper insurance then you are just an butt, and this is happening more than it should and it s being allowed. I have insurance on my boat and additional insurance thru my homeowners, if I wreck your boat it will be taken care of. Whether its really my fault or not! Why do others not take this responsibility seriously?