Really sorry about my absence. I am presently sitting at the Atlantic Truck Center awaiting a transmission repair. No word on how long.
Here is my story:
Last year, if you recall, Catsailor coverage did not start until Jupiter because the transmission refused to work on the RV. Mechanics swore it would be ready each day.., and each day it was not.
Finally, I gave up and took the van to cover the races.
During the winter, with no mechanics even so much as looking at the transmission it started working.
This morning I happily motored north with the Cummins diesel purring along nicely – the transmission was doing fine. And then I neared the dreaded Palm Beach.
Now there must be some gravitation influence at Palm Beach. I have managed to have a vehicle of some kind break down there at least 6 times and one time, while driving at night a lady jumped off an overpass right in front of me. I managed to miss her, but pretty sure the guy behind me didn’t
Well just before getting into the Palm Beach area, the Allison Transmission monitor on my dash start flickering it lights. This was not going to be good, I could tell. Next it jumped down into 5th gear and a big red light read “Do Not Shift.” Then is shifted down to 4th gear and the lights went totally out on the monitor. Then I knew I was in Palm Beach.
I was still moving, but in 4th gear and pretty slow. With the lights out I assumed it was locked into 4th gear and therefore if I stopped, I would not get going again.
I was Right