Originally Posted by flumpmaster
Originally Posted by tvs
News from Seacats White... Their temporary repair has failed or is in the process of failing (apparently they are hearing fiberglass cracking noises from the beam which had been pulling out.) They are pulling out and trailering to the next stop to re-evaluate the beam/boat situation. They are still heading to shore, however, have been in contact with Jamie Livingston for a good "pull-out" area.

I've seen the aluminum plates in the hull at rear beam sockets pull out of the glass before. It is repairable at the beach with epoxy and glass.

Normally I would agree; however, it's a little different.

First you have to take into account that the boat is a 99 and has gone through Worrells and Tybees.

Next I repaired the torn plates after one failed last year, at fernendina by through bolting the plates with fender washers on the inside and re-fiberglassing the area. I actually did both sides for preventative measures.

Last night we through bolted the beam bolts as well passing them through a 1/4 inch stainless plate that was 10" x 2" to catch both bolts. Esentially making it so that the whole plate would have to tear through the entire hull lay-up. I assume that the hulls have fatigued to a point where the structure is basically coming apart. In fact after stopping today we found an area of the starboard hull in front of the forward cross bar that is breaking as well. It has made a little peak in the center of the deck las if you somehow pulled it straight up. If this was repairable on shore we would be doing it.

Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.