2010 Tybee 500
Unofficial Results as of 18:53 on May 12, 2010
Formula 18 Class
Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Ratings: SCHRS, Entries: 4, Scoring system: Tybee 500
Rank Team Name Class Islamorada to Hollywood 10:00 AM Hollywood to Jupiter 10:00 AM Jupiter to Cocoa 10.00.00 Overall Notes
1st Team Bugaboo Formula 18 8.01.07 3.34.03 5.55.31 17.30.41
2nd Team AHPC Formula 18 8.08.03 3.31.43 6.24.00 18.03.46
3rd Peppod Sailing Formula 18 8.33.35 3.35.34 6.18.17 18.27.26
4th Seacats Adrenaline Formula 18 8.52.28 3.47.20 6.20.42 19.00.30

Nacra 20 One Design Class
Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Ratings: SCHRS, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Tybee 500
Rank Team Name Class Islamorada to Hollywood 10:00 AM Hollywood to Jupiter 10:00 AM Jupiter to Cocoa 10.00.00 Overall Notes
1st Velocity 1 Nacra 20 One Design 8.06.31 3.47.18 6.02.13 17.56.02
2nd Royal Yellow Nacra 20 One Design 8.21.15 3.41.58 6.05.18 18.08.31
3rd Royal Orange Nacra 20 One Design 8.30.16 4.14.45 6.02.01 18.47.02
4th Seacats Orange Nacra 20 One Design 8.20.18 4.03.17 6.24.22 18.47.57
5th Royal Blue Nacra 20 One Design 9.19.21 4.02.36 6.44.34 20.06.31
6th Royal White Nacra 20 One Design 10.28.33 4.01.09 7.03.08 21.32.50
7th Velocity 5 Nacra 20 One Design 10.44.32 5.00.41 6.39.34 22.24.47
8th Velocity 4 Nacra 20 One Design 9.49.17 5.40.19 7.07.33 22.37.09
9th Seacats White Nacra 20 One Design 10.17.02 4.38.17 15.31.08
10th Velocity 3 Nacra 20 One Design 11.22.32 5.30.54 7.31.08
11th Velocity 2 Nacra 20 One Design 12.36.09 13.40.19 7.01.30

Richard Vilvens
Brand Ambassador
PSA Capricorn USA
[email protected]
Fairfield, Ca
F-18 5150
