Winds where all over the place today, we did the first race in very light winds and finished somewhere at the end of the silver fleet. Then the RC sent us back to the beach for an hour untill the wind filled back in. The second race had perfect conditions with around 15kts of breeze, we where first to the top mark but fell back because we had a HUGE piece of weed stuck to lee board (seaweed is a big problem here!), ended up finishing 19 or something. We where a bit too aggresive on the third start and got a black flag and returned to the beach. "fortunately" a lot of sailors didnt see the Course1 flag and sailed Course 2 instead ;-)
The level of all the sailors here is very high, even in the silver fleet people make very little mistakes, in the gold fleet even the top sailors are strugling to stay at the top.
Did you guys see the awesome helicopter footage they shot yesterday? Last day tomorrow and an early start at 11:00, I really hope there is some wind that early in the day.