Just got back from the Worlds (had to sail a keelboat back)

Hugh got screwed over from winning the Worlds, the press boats were not controlled at all and we nearly got hit several times by press boats going too fast in the middle of the fleet. The jury screwed him around a bit not making thier mind up.

Event was ok, good racing, but badly organize ashore sadly, nobody knew when they were putting food on and the event bar was a tiny little tent that offered very little food so very few people hung around, luckily there was a cafe just across the road (which kicked out about 70 biding customers at midnight on the last night as the wanted to close). On the sunday afternoon they tried to tell us that all of us up one end of the beach had to move to the other end to give space for swimmers, that didnt happen.

The sailors made it a really fun event though, just would of liked a bit more wind!