John, The initial idea was to analyze some regattas and use the various rating systems to re-score the events and submit a report. Unfortunately the racing scene changed so quickly that I don't have the data to make a fair comparison. In my other post I noted the status quo of handicap racing on WL races in my region.

The only reason it's an issue in 2010 is that a new race boat has joined the US scene.

I can write up a status quo report of handicap racing. Publish it on this thread for comments. Amend the report as I see fit and submit the entire record to the MH committee... Will that be helpful?

With respect to choosing Texel or SCHRS. I am not a fluids engineer or boat designer and so I can't evaluate or make the case for one scheme or the other on technical grounds. If someone would like to step up and write that portion... Outstanding.

There is a political/philosophical issue as well between choosing Texel or ISAF SCHRS. My suggestion would be to request some advice from the world MHC council and include that advice in the record and this thread. Would you be able to get a brief statement from the World MHC using your contacts?