Personally I think if we see the change to a Texel type handicap, we're going to end up changing everything but with the same racing result. We're handicap racing and the actual numbers, though derived by different methods, are very similar.

The system must be FAIR, TRANSPARENT and TIMELY.

Changing systems, I agree won't change FAIR... for the existing ratings... BUT the Nacra F20 could race tommorow in the handicap events of consequence if we used a measurement system.

Change to Measurement system would be more transparent and more timely and that is the major point.

Some important events have already switched to SCHRS. Switching the qualifiers over to measurement will continue the process.

Would anyone like to edit a draft of a white paper to the mulithull council supporting a proposal to recommend to the appropriate USSA commmittes a switch from USPN to SCHRS for the Area Qualifiers? PM me!
