Originally Posted by Mark Schneider
Well, the reason we need to move to SCHRS, a measurement system, is easily seen by looking at the MKL results.

RC 30... Hmm.. Portsmouth wants data from a fleet of RC 30's racing against known boats in the yardstick. Hmm... how many RC 30's are there?... Bueller?... Bueller? ... Anyone?

Arc 21's... Portsmouth wants data from a fleet of ARC 21's racing against several known boats (each) in the yardstick. Hmm... how many ARC 21's are there?

Marstrom 20's......?

Stilleto 23's ...?

Arc 27's....?

How you can use a statistical handicapping system when you only have ONE BOAT RACING IN THE COUNTRY? This simply defies rational explanation. (Jake ... I am still waiting for a plausible explanation... Now when you want to make this PHRF ... I will stop poking you with this particular stick.)

Nevertheless... you run the numbers for a winner... When you run the numbers... I exclude the one-off boats which are not in SCHRS and then compare the BCE's... Unfortunately.. You get two different winners...

Worse then that... one rating system has the winner by 5 minutes... While SCHRS, the one I trust, has the other boat winning by 3 minutes... (The names withheld to protect the leaker)

Portsmouth simply fails at rating these boats and allowing the best sailing performance to win. If we used SCHRS... these one-off boats would be measured... the formula is transparent... a rating comes out of a spreadsheet. no magic asterisks allowed! We don't have to move to PHRF with regional rating panels and all of this politics.

We would have a useable system that the rest of the world is using.

2 minutes? Are you saying that a 2 minute difference over a 100+ mile race is reason to switch to a different handicap system? That's not much variance.

Jake Kohl