
The free part was supposed to get Dave to say... let em weigh their own damn boat.... My shot...obviously missed it's mark... (but he will calm down)

Fact of life... there are no boats registered at Spring Fever that need to be weighed for an SCHRS rating... (and I knew that) This makes my point that the dead boats... are really dead and the problem is not so large.

Re MLK... and Portsmouth... Look...One solution that has integrity is just to say... We have a PHRF system We invent a rating table that we believe to be fair....It looks a lot like the portsmouth ratings but we make up all the new boats from now on. Then the table could be adjusted as somebody see fit.

(Dave will now get all fired up again... because I think he hates PHRF more then he does Portsmouth... or maybe that is Krantz)

I am OK with a PHRF system for small catamarans... People will do their best to create a fair ratings table...It serves nobodies interest to have a skewed system and so it is what it is.

I personally think it is much much better to use SCHRS... (You don't have to buy the measurer a beer... the PHRF big shot... er... maybe not a bad idea)

My objection is the pretense that we are using Portsmouth! I think it is complete BS to pretend that we have a PORTSMOUTH YARDSTICK... when in fact we have to make up a lot of ratings and insert them into the yardstick.

Remember... back in the day.. I was a big proponent of Portsmouth and Handicap racing. Just ask Carl Roberts..
Times have changed...and so has my opinion

Portsmouth is not sustainable... no data... It is neither fish nor foul.

Handicap Racing has been cut in half as the dead boats have moved out of the racing fleet

So... in my region... we have two races that are scored handicap.

So... buy Dave (the measurer) a beer for me anyway and I will get you on Triple Threat!

Last edited by Mark Schneider; 04/18/11 02:10 PM.