As has been the standard with this old girl since her re-floating....
more failures from old weathered bits
this was the one that had the slow leak, down to 10psi every w/end after sitting for the weak. I did tank the tyre but couldn't find a leak.... This blowout happened about 20miles from home on a stinking hot day (last Sunday), started of as a bit of a bulge that caused a slight vibration through the trailer, we slowed down as it got worse....... Wasn't worth stopping as I didn't have a spare for the trailer, its an old stud pattern and so 'limp home' mode was selected.
We kept a very close eye on it as the tyre fell apart and the speed was dropped several times as it worsened, we eventually made the my street at a rapid rate of ~20kph
With so much carnage of the tyre...... & yet not a single mark on the hull, the trailer escaped with only a minor scratch
Yar, & this ere post be done without a sin'le drop o' rum passin' me lips
Kingy started with Impara Cadet #3 / Mosquito #245 & now Mosquitos #1182 & #1740