5hours later and I have an entirely new rudder lock down system
Hey presto
As you can see I've made a LOT of changes over the old system I had
rudder locked down....
and with the rudder up
The best part is they now self release when they are put under a reasonable load, a screaming broard reach wasn't enough to 'pop' the release yesterday but each time I came into the beach and as soon as the bottom lurked near the bottom they popped out instantly I had every intention of this mod way back when I'd finished the first trial set that did a heavy half season workout, they did lock down well and wold come up to just past 45degrees which was usually enough to send the seaweed off down and away .... Problem was, as I found the hard way, the seaweed clumps that built up on the centre board and then get released by the crew would smash into the rudder with such force it often just shattered the fibreglass rods, then as you grabbed the lockdown to release it so the weed cold be freed yo got stabbed y the shards of splintered glass so a better system HAD to happen
and for the really observant, something major is missing in one of the pics
Yar, & this ere post be done without a sin'le drop o' rum passin' me lips
Kingy started with Impara Cadet #3 / Mosquito #245 & now Mosquitos #1182 & #1740