I don't know about your part of the country, but here
in Las Vegas last January it was near 70-F for a Lot
of the month , (it's usually in the 50's-F).
Still too Cold for me to go sailing, so i kinda don't
get the point of this Thread ? Some Nut-case, posts a
picture of snow in his front yard, and everyone wants
to fight over it ??
Some of you need to get laid ; ladies
are cheap here in Vegas, so do our economy some good and
Come get a Blow-job !! HeHe...
So I'm the nutcase?
The photo wasn't menat to spark any debate whatsoever. I was pointing out we are having a colder, more snowfall winter this year, and the 4 winters I've been here, usually there is little if any snow on the ground by the date of that picture.