
What the guys are saying about the dog bone needing to provide an upward pull to tension the ring in the harness is correct and one of the most important aspects of a good trapeze set up.

Your system will work if you lift the ring a foot or so from the deck and lower yourself down every time you go out but this is impractical. To trap at the correct hight your ring should be (when pulled down) between about an inch of deck level to 7 inches below when the breeze is steady, waves are not too high and you can trap very low without getting smashed off trap.

Without the pully being higher or your ring way off deck level, your dog bone WILL pul out of the harness.

If in doupt, watch the Tornado guys. The top guys are full time professionals and spent a LOT of time working on user friendy and the quickest systems out there. Their career and hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line. If you are thinking it....... Chances are they have been there, done that and already refined it to near perfection.

Cheers mate and good sailing to you.