You have become a clone of the dutch doofus.
Misquoting me just to try to justify your statements.
I DID NOT SAY "will not work"".
I said "does NOT work properly." and "CANNOT work properly".
The key word is "PROPERLY".
Is english not your native language?

Why did you say "someone using it just fine" when two hours before you made that statement the person in question
clearly stated, on the f16 forum, that the bungi HAD PULLED THE DOGBONE OFF SEVERAL TIMES exactly as I had warned?
He even mentioned looking up a post about a system which puts tension on the hook.
Obviously, he wants to change his.

I am not "confused with the drawing."
As a Civil Engineer, I have created and interpreted drawings for 25 years.
You may have drawn it wrong, but I did not read it wrong.
Except for the bungi cord, your "design" is very old and very common.

Let's check the count.
1 vote for your exact system (wooznik)
11 votes against it (including Worrell 1000, Tybee 500, Tornado, and other experienced sailors)

But you people seem to want to listen to a person who has very little racing experience.

Are you still so confident?