I agree on several points Phill, but not all

One thing is what I personally want, and another is what's best for a new class.
My priorites are, in order:
1: A thrilling and fun boat to sail
2: A distance racer
3: A buoy racer
Now, I have several sub-categories for each category what this really encompass for me, but I am pretty sure that I personally want a 10 feet wide boat. We was out sailing our T yesterday, with max downhaul and travelled out 10 cm while beating and still was overpowered. We weight in at about 200Kg with gear. A lighter crew on the same boat would really have their hands full, and the same for a heavy team on a less wide and lighter boat.
I still think this class should be best suited for somewhat heavier sailors, who can use the extra power and bouancy (180-200Kg's). Agree fully that it's no point in cannibalizing other classes.
I agree that max trailering width is a big issue for a class. Do you have any idea for how the percentages are between mast-up storage and trailering? I seems like a lot of sailors in the US trailer their boats, while mast-up is more common in Europe.
Whats the price difference between a simple tilt-trailer and a regular trailer fitting a 8'6" wide boat?
What's your personal opinion on the wings/racks idea? Would that equalize the playing field somewhat between 8'6" and 10' wide boats? The less wide boat would have an advantage until the 10' wide boats could go out and double trapeeze, but then what? It seems like this is the greatest issue, there haven't been many comments on mast-height, sailarea, foils, materials etc..