Yes , I raced the Worrell 1000 in 87 , there were several custom boats with wings . Some were 10 ft on each side

If you do the math a 200 LB crew * 10 ft = 2,000 ft lbs of added leverage .

A better example of the type of wings we may be talking about are found on the older Hobie 21s . We raced those in 1988 in PROSAIL and the ULTIMATE YACHT RACE EVENTS , at locations around the country , prize money , TV etc ,it was great fun .
The H-21 wings plugged into the hulls and were really great to sit on and much easier to trap out of , it was easier to get horizontal and use all your weight to advantage . The wings also made excellent spin block locations further outboard for more open sheeting angles between mast and spin.

Mystere also made a series of optional wings and racks for its cat line . I don't currently see them though -

A team in latter Worrell race built foldable racks , the problem was they would fold up at the wrong time as you tryed to get out on them . Perhaps why we don't see foldable racks .

2 ft added to a 8.5 ft beam cat would equalize overall I think give hull weight etc . Let me know what you think .

If any has more specific questions on wings or racks ,or earlier 1000 mile cat design innovations please just ask , always enjoy talking cat design concepts .

enjoy --happy sailing