I expect this has already been looked at but a boat with 2.5m beam and 700mm wings would be roughly equivalent in righting moments to a boat with 3.1m beam provided both boat's hulls weighed 30kg ea and had a 170kg of crew.

I like the idea of foldable wings.
I think they can be built quite light and as they can fold they can stay on the boat. If the fixed wings are anything like the ones on the Hobie 17 the wing design I was working on a few years back would be much lighter. Although the wings fold they would only fold up when you wanted them to. This would be achieved in the hinging mechanism. Pushing open the folded wing will unlock the folded out wing and fold it up at the same time.
Just playing around with some ideas hence my desire to get first hand info from someone who has used them.


I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!