When I first got my Hobie 16, 20 years ago, the beach at the lake where I sail would be lined up wall to wall with Hobies. As time went on there were fewer and fewer catamarans but more windsurfers. I came to the conclusion that as the price went up, the younger wantabe sailors couldn't afford the catamarans but the windsurfers were in their price range.
The local Hobie fleets used to have a weekend where they would show up and take anyone who was interested, out for an introductory ride. I haven't seen it done for some time. It is easy to sell people on the catamaran. Just take them out on a good day. My 8 grandchildren, ranging in age from 9 to 24, all love to sail on the Hobie. It is the exposure to it that sold them. Will they go out and buy one? I think the price will be a big factor in that decision.
I don't think the number of lines or setting up the boat is much of an issue with new sailors, especially the H-16.