Now Jake,

I'm sorry to say that I'm Marks side on this one.

We brought 7 boats to Springfever one time with me flying in from Europe and we got burned pretty bad that year when they threw us in with the H14, P16, Mystere 4.3 and Marks Tornado on; what to us; were miniscule 10 minute courses.

So class size didn't save us then, we still got the waste basket start and course. It got so bad that we simply decided to trash the party on the bigger course and forget about the scoring.

I'm sorry to say that this causes me to not likely ever considering Springfever again.

The party and meeting all the guys from was great though. But I need some more real racing to ever attend again.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands