
With respect to " race door to door with boats that are faster but be "OK" with it! " I suspect that the Europeans and Aussie's would just laugh at such BS and tell you to shut up and race.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Racing everybody else on an one-start/open class format WORKS !


I guess that depends on what your definition of "works" is. If your definition of "Works" means that boats that can't class up normally get a bigger start, then yeah I guess it does work. But, if you can get the numbers without of hodge podge of boats then no it doesn't work.

I very seriously doubt you speak for all the EU and OZ.

David Ingram
F18 USA 242

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
"Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent" - Two sista's I overheard in the hall
"You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a complete idiot, but it helps"