The early Nacras were solid glass, with longitudinal stringers, but that construction was phased out around 1984. Wouter is pretty spot-on about everything here; I learned to sail cats on an H16, but when it came time to buy my first, it was a Nacra 5.O. Lots of times I wish I still had it, for its simplicity, shallow draft, weight capacity, and just plain sheer fun. It'll float a lot of weight - I had mine over 20 mph (yeah, thru the water) triplehanded with an estimated 550 lbs on board. The 5.O (and ANY Nacra) will be "wetter" than the Hobie due to water spraying vertically over the bows. Anyway, my vote goes to the 5.O - heck, if I had the $$ lying around - and a place to put it - I'd come pick that one up myself. Good luck, either way.

Andrew Tatton Nacra 20 "Wiggle Stick" #266 Nacra 18 Square #12